O diário de Frida Kahlo
Este livro é um tesouro porque contém os diários de Frida Kahlo:
Kahlo began her diary in the mid-1940s, when she was 36 or 37. Her recente emotional life had been extraordinarily turbulent. Her father had died a few years earlier, she had divorced from Diego Rivera in late 1939 and remarried him a year later. Kahlo had come to the unavoidable conclusion that she could never bear the child she longed to have, and was plagued by her inadequacy. She had undergone numerous medical and surgical procedures, from miscarriages and spinal problems.
Frida manteve este diário durante os últimos dez anos da sua vida e, entre escritos e ilustrações, documenta o declínio da sua saúde e muitos dos temas que lhe são familiares: a cultura mexicana, a política, a relação com Diogo Rivera (e outras relações), os seus problemas físicos e a sua arte.
I've been sick for a year now. Seven operations on my spinal column. Doctor Farill saved me. He brought me back the joy of life. I am still in the wheel-chair, and I don't know if I'll be able to walk again. (...) I don't feel any pain. Only this... bloody tiredness, and naturally, quite often, despair. A despair which no words can describe. I'm still eager to live. I've started to paint again.
O livro começa com uma introdução e um ensaio, depois temos os diários ininterruptos de Frida e, por fim, as páginas do diário em ponto pequeno com comentários e tradução: